”At rejse og være fastboende er som to tilstandsformer, der ikke vil hinanden – gør man det ene for lang tid, bliver det andet umuligt” [citat: Kim Leine, 2021]
“No man can live this life and emerge unchanged. He will carry, however faint, the imprint of the desert, the brand which marks the nomad; and he will carry within him the yearning to return, weak or insistent according to his nature. For this cruel land can cast a spell which no temperate climate can match” [citat: Wilfred Thessiger, 1959]
”Nomaderne er ikke friere end de fastboende. Men måske har de den ro, der kan findes, når man aldrig er i tvivl om sine begrænsninger” [citat: Torkild Funder, 1973]
In the desert I have found a freedom unattainable in civilization, a life unhampered by possessions, since everything that was not a necessity was an encumbrance [citat Wilfred Thessiger, 1959]
There is always trouble if meat is not divided by lot. Someone immediately says that he has been given more than his share, and tries to hand a piece to someone else…… I have never heard a man grumble that he has received less than his share….[citat: Wilfred Thessiger, 1959]
Bundgaard Photography
mail jbundgaard@mail.dk
tlf +45 5168 3746
Copyright © Jørgen Bundgaard